Zhiwen Liu
Professor of Electrical Engineering
N-211 Millennium Science Complex
The Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA 16802
Phone: 814-865-2362
E-mail: zzl1_at_psu_dot_edu
Research Area: Optical Materials and Devices
Research Group: Ultrafast and Nonlinear Optics Lab
Dr. Liu joined Penn State in 2003. His research interests include ultrafast optics, nanophotonics, biophotonics, and holography. His current research is focused on nonlinear imaging, nonlinear nanoprobes for nano femto optics, and supercontinuum.
Ph.D. The California Institute of Technology, Electrical Engineering
M.S. The California Institute of Technology, Electrical Engineering
M.S. Peking University, Radio Electronics
B.S. Peking University, Radio Electronics
Ultrafast and nonlinear optics, optical imaging, nonlinear spectroscopy, and holography
Selected Publications and Patents
Link here for selected publications and patents
Honors and Awards
National Science Foundation CAREER award - 2006
Walker von Brimer Award - 2001