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Summer Research Experience for Undergraduates
Program in Electrical Engineering
2009 Program Highlight
2009 NSR EE REU Scholars and Research Topics
2009 REU Scholars |
Research Topics |
Faculty Mentors |
Mr. Michael Blackmond |
Effects of Hyperbolic Electrode Configurations on Streamers Propagation in Air |
Prof. Victor Pasko (5-3467) |
Miss Jennifer Felder |
Deployable Structures Based on Shape Memory Alloys |
Prof. Sven Bilén (3-1526) |
Mr. Negron Amaldo
(SROP and REU) |
Peak Power Controller for Solar Arrays on Small Spacecraft |
Prof. Sven Bilén (3-1526) |
Miss Rachel Christian |
Transfer of Silicon wires onto Glass substrates for use in Radial Solar Cells |
Prof. Joan Redwing (5-8665) |
Miss Jennifer Cross |
Classification and Radio Science Modeling of Radar Meteor Echoes |
Prof. John Mathews (865-2354) |
Mr. Nicholas Czamek |
Comparison of Nema 23 BLDC and Stepper Motors used as Generators |
Prof. Heath Hofmann (5-2229) |
Miss Zehra Raza |
Speech Processing using Matched Filters Based on Transform Domain Processing |
Prof. Ken Jenkins (3-2788) |
Miss Katie Knox |
Experimental Characterization of Nonlinear Optical Materials |
Prof. Zhiwen Liu (5-2362) |
Mr. Colin Stapleton |
Energy Storage Characterization of Non-Linear Dielectrics Near Breakdown |
Prof. Mike Lanagan (5-6992) |
Mr. Aaron Gibson |
Minimum Voltages for Corona Discharge in Cylindrical and Spherical Geometries |
Prof. Victor Pasko (5-3467) |
Mr. Devon Miller |
Comparison of Predicted, Simulated, and Experimentally Measured Conversion Gain in a Robinson Marginal Oscillator |
Prof. Jeff Schiano (5-5422) |
Mr. Javier Espinosa |
Study of Fabrication and Energetic Properties of Porous Silicon |
Prof. Srinivas Tadigadapa (5-2730) |
Mr. Jim Reuss |
High Temporal and Spatial Resolution Studies of Meteor Head Echoes and the Gyro Line Observed Over the Arecibo Observatory |
Prof. Julio Urbina (863-5326) |
2009 REU Participants
- Mr. Michael Blackmond, Electrical and Computer Engineering (05/2011), Western Michigan University
- Miss Jennifer Felder, Electrical and Computer Engineering (05/2012), North Carolina State University
- Mr. Negron Amaldo, Electrical Engineering (05/2010), Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico
- Miss Rachel Christian, Electrical and ComputerEnginnering (05/2011), Binghamton University
- Miss Jennifer Cross, Electrical and Computer Engineering (05/2010), Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering
- Mr. Nicholas Czamek, Electrical Engineering (05/2012), University of Pittsburgh
- Miss Zehra Raza, Electrical and Computer Engineering (05/2010), George Washington University
- Miss Katie Knox, Engineering Physics (05/2011), John Carroll University
- Mr. Colin Stapleton, Electrical Engineering (05/2011), Milwaukee School of Engineering
- Mr. Aaron Gibson, Electrical and Computer Engineering (05/2012), University of Arizona
- Mr. Devon Miller, Physics and Engineering (05/2011), West Virginia Wesleyan College
- Mr. Javier Espinosa, Electrical Engineering (05/2011), Inter American University of Puerto Rico
- Mr. Jim Reuss, Physics (12/2010), St. Olaf College
NSF EE REU 2009 Summer Program
Weekly Scientific Seminar
Department of Electrical Engineering
Room 101 EE East, 9:40 – 10:30 AM, Tuesdays
Seminar Chairs: Prof. Jack Mitchell and Prof. Ken Jenkins
(Followed by REU Weekly Workshop on Professional Development, 12:30-1:30 PM)
Date |
Topic |
Speaker |
June 2 | Energy Harvesting | Dr. Heath Hofmann |
June9 | The Joy of Quadrupole Resonance | Prof. Jeff Schiano |
June 16 | Lightning-related Transient Luminous Events in the Middle Atmosphere | Dr. Victor Pasko |
June 23 | What’s Next? Graduate School, of Course! | Prof. David Salvia |
June 30 | Integrating Nanowire-based Sensors with CMOS Electronics Using Directed Self Assembly | Dr. Theresa Mayer |
July 7 | Software-defined Radar for Meteor Target Detection | Dr. Julio Urbina |
July 14 | Sensors Using Mirco and Nanoscale Structures | Dr. Srinivas Tadigadapa |
July 23 | 2009 NSF EEREU Symposium | REU Students |
Suggestions and inquiries: eereu@engr.psu.edu
NSF EE REU 2009 Summer Program
Weekly Workshop on Professional Development
Department of Electrical Engineering
Room 101 EE East; 10:50 - 11:50 AM Tuesdays
Chair: Prof. Andrew Lau (andylau@psu.edu)
Date |
Workshop Topic Addressed |
Weekly |
Faculty Leaders |
June 2 | Frameworks of Ethics | Week 1 | Prof. Andy Lau |
June 9 | Research Ethics | Week 2 | Prof. Andy Lau |
June 16 | Sustainability and Materials, Selection in Product Development | Week 3 | Prof. Andy Lau |
June 23 | Student Entrepreneur Panel: "What's it take to be an entrepreneur?" | Week 4 | Erik Weir and Erik Davidson |
June 30 | Intellectual Property Issues | Week 5 | Prof. Liz Kisenwether |
July 7 | Ethics Issues in Entepreneurship | Week 6 | Prof. Aundy Lau and Prof. Liz Kisenwether |
July 14 | Student Presentations of Tech Transfer Ideas of Research Projects | Week 7 | REU students |
Suggestions and inquiries: eereu@engr.psu.edu