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Summer Research Experience for Undergraduates
EE REU Program
The Department of Electrical Engineering at the University Park Campus of Penn State University is the host of a National Science Foundation (NSF) sponsored Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Site in Electrical Engineering. This EE REU Site is created to make available summer research experience in electrical engineering at Penn State for undergraduate students who seek research exposure. The goal of this REU Site is to provide interested undergraduate students selected from across the nation the opportunity to be involved in cutting edge research and thus develop students’ interests in graduate studies and in future research in electrical engineering areas. The REU Site activities are designed to be both intellectually challenging for each individual participant and friendly with organized weekly team activities. It typically runs for nine summer weeks, expenses-covered with possible travel support. Participating students will have the opportunity to work on research projects covering both traditional and interdisciplinary fields of electrical engineering, mentored by EE faculty members best matched with participants’ interests.
A mini-symposium will be organized at the end of the summer program for students to present their work. Student research papers are also to be compiled in the form of a REU Annual Research Report. NSF requires that an REU participant to be either a US citizen or a permanent resident. Students majored in electrical engineering and related engineering fields are encouraged to apply. Students majored in physics, chemistry, mathematics, and related science fields who are interested in pursuing graduate studies in electrical engineering areas, are also welcome to apply. Women students, students of underrepresented minority groups, students of HBCU schools, and those with physical disabilities, are especially encouraged to apply. Most students applying to the program will be college juniors, however applications are welcome from sophomores and in exceptional cases those completing their freshman year.
PSU students outside University Park Campus are welcome to apply. Current University Park students are recommended to contact the program director or individual faculty members for individual support and full participation of this program.
REU Program Directors

Prof. Ken Jenkins
Professor, Electrical Engineering Department
Co-Director, EE REU Program
Penn State College of Engineering

Prof. Sven Bilén
Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering Department
Co-Director, EE REU Program
Penn State College of Engineering

Mr. Jared Price
Grad Student, Electrical Engineering Department
Assistant Director, EE REU Program
Penn State College of Engineering
Ethics and Entrepreneurship Education

Prof. Andrew Lau
Chair, Task Force on Ethical, Global, and Societal Aspects of Engineering
Penn State College of Engineering

Prof. Phil Boyer
Interim Director, Engineering Entrepreneurship (E-SHIP) Minor
School of Engineering Design, Technology and Professional Programs
Penn State College of Engineering
Recruitment Support

Ms. Amy Freeman
Assistant Dean of Engineering Diversity
Multicultural Engineering Program MEP), and Women in Engineering Program (WEP)
Penn State College of Engineering