Communications and Networking
Digital communications, computer networking, intelligent networks, multimedia communications, mobile computing, local area wireless networks (RF and Optical), portable and mobile communications, optical fiber communications, optical networking, coding and information theory, satellite communications, propagation measurements and modeling
Faculty Members
Viveck Cadambe, (Ph.D. University of California, Irvine)
Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering
Information and Coding Theory, Wireless Communication Systems, Communication Networks, Distributed Data Storage Systems, Theory of Distributed Systems
John F. Doherty, (Ph.D. Rutgers University)
Professor of Electrical Engineering
Signal processing and communications, which includes specific applications to remote sensing, electronic intelligence and biomedical engineering.
The Laboratory for Advanced Signal Processing, Communications, and Networking Science
Mohsen Kavehrad, (Ph.D. Polytechnic Institute of New York University)
W.L. Weiss (Ameritech-sponsored) Chair Professor of Electrical Engineering
Wireless communications and networking RF and optical, Communications and signal processing systems and networks, Optical fiber communications and networks, Optical network components
Center for Information and Communication Technology Research
George Kesidis, (Ph.D. University of California – Berkeley)
Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and Engineering
High-speed communication/computer networks; traffic engineering including shaping, routing and scheduling; network security; overlay systems; performance evaluation including modeling, simulation and emulation.
The Laboratory for Advanced Signal Processing, Communications, and Networking Science
Aylin Yener, (Ph.D. Rutgers University)
Professor of Electrical Engineering
Information Theory, Communication Theory, Network Science, Information Security, Multi-terminal Information Theory , Wireless Communications, Energy Harvesting Communications, Green Distributed Storage, Social Communication Networks.
Wireless Communications and Networking Laboratory (WCAN@PSU)